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Wu Yixin, member of the Party committee and chief engineer of provincial Market Supervision Bureau

        At 9:00 a.m. on February 28, 2020, in this special period of the epidemic, Wu Yixin, a member of the Party committee and chief engineer of the provincial market supervision bureau, came to Zhejiang Chenxin Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. for investigation and guidance. Wang Huanjun, deputy director of Shaoxing Market Supervision Bureau, Zhang Chunyu, director of Shangyu district market supervision administration bureau, Lu Zhongtao, deputy director and other leaders accompanied the investigation. Chairman Ruan Weixin and general manager Ruan Haixiang warmly welcome the leaders.

        Wu Yixin, a member of the Party committee and chief engineer of the market supervision bureau, visited the enterprise accompanied by the leaders of the enterprise, listened to the basic situation of the development of the enterprise, and gave a high evaluation and full affirmation to the products and strength of the enterprise.

Leaders of the company introduce the company's products to leaders of the Provincial Bureau

        After the visit, chief engineer Wu Yixin presided over the meeting. At the meeting, leaders of the Provincial Bureau listened to the recent reports of all parties, studied and deployed the next work, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the problems in the work.

        Wu Yixin, chief engineer, pointed out that enterprises should do a good job in prevention and control, fully implement the "health code + temperature monitoring" management system, so that one person one code, one person one temperature. Employees shall keep a safe distance for dining, and foreign employees shall implement centralized management and have separate accommodation rooms to ensure their life safety and health. And asked the street whether to guide and help enterprises to return to work, whether to check the prevention and control of some detailed issues.

Wu Yixin, chief engineer, presided over the meeting

        Wu Yixin, chief engineer, stressed that we should actively promote the resumption of production and strive to achieve the annual economic goals and tasks set by the enterprise. The government will help the enterprise to overcome difficulties together and make up for the losses caused during the epidemic.